Snack Time: Homemade Options!

I recently posted a blog all about my favorite packaged snacks, but this one is all about EASY homemade snacks you can serve your kids. Snacks that are tasty, filling, and balanced (with fiber and protein) in order to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Snack time doesn’t need to be complicated, but it’s important to remember snack time serves a purpose: to keep bellies full before the next meal and to help keep energy levels up. Everyone has their own stance on snack-time, but my personal policy is that Emery has one snack between breakfast and lunch and another between lunch and dinner. That’s it. Sometimes snacks are at home but other times we have them on the go. While I do my best to stick with this snack policy, there are times when we have to be flexible (ex. Birthday parties, playdates, etc…) and that’s okay!

Our favorite homemade snacks:

  1. Apple or banana slices and peanut butter (or any nut butter)

  2. Rice cracker with peanut butter or hummus 

  3. Veggies (red pepper, cucumber…) with hummus

  4. Sliced fruit and organic cottage cheese

  5. Sliced fruit and organic plain yogurt

  6. Sliced fruit and an organic string cheese

  7. Applesauce and organic plain yogurt

  8. Toby’s Plate Bakery Muffin

  9. Toby’s Plate Bakery Energy Ball

  10. Homemade smoothie

Other healthy snack tips!

  • Look for nut butters with only two ingredients: nuts and salt

  • Look for hummus made with olive oil instead of canola oil

  • Add variety with fruits! Try oranges, watermelon, apple, pear, banana, kiwi, berries, clementines, pineapple, melon, and more!


High Quality, Low Sugar Ingredients for Toby’s Plate


Snack Time: Packaged Snacks!